How To Quantum Leap Into Joy, Super Health & Financial Freedom...
You have been invited to a SPECIAL ONE DAY EVENT!  
  • 10am. Quantum Upgrade Introduction & Golden Age Invocation, anchor your vision - Hong Curley & Grand Master Blinding Truth.
  • 11:00am: Karmic and obstruction clearing, Golden Lotus Meditation and activation, Mantra of Supreme Compassion and Self Love - Lama Tendar 
  • 12:00am Healing of 3 fundamental psychological dysfunctions to transform all relationships - Hong Curley
  • 1:00pm One man’s food is another man’s poison. Are you poisoning yourself with “ good food” ? - Mike Curley
  • 2:00pm Creative Alchemy. The super highway to Quantum Ascension - Stephanie Lightsmith  
  • ​​3:00pm Quantum Frequency, how does it heal your body, mind and spirit? Hong, Mike & Alex
  • ​4:00pm How to replace full time income with Quantum Ascension Academy in 90 days? - Debbie Mewes
  • ​​5:00pm BONUS SESSION "Activating Sovereign Wealth" Block chain, smart contract, crypto, Defi, what are they? What do the rich know that you don’t? - Guest speaker
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